I am the brains, the magic, and the sweat that is LACityLights. I am working hard to turn this once small, no-big-deal wordpress blog into an awesome place to come find new music. A place, deeply integrated with social media, that allows you to love the music you hear, and share that love with the world.

But that’s enough of the theatrics. Simply put:

I'm Jon, and I run the site.

I am in charge of content creation, site maintenance, and system administration.

I am also a public relations major and a psychology minor at Chico State University in Northern California. I love writing to stay sane in an insane world. I have worked as an assistant at a social media marketing firm specializing in marketing focused on the social networking outlet. I was a corporate communications assistant and regularly wrote blog pieces on industry topics. I worked in LA doing content creation for a blog about multiple facets of social media. So yes. I’m addicted to Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, and everything in between. I’m not ashamed to admit it.

When I’m not going to school in Northern California, I live in beautiful Southern California in Westlake Village, roughly 25 minutes outside of Los Angeles. I’ve grown up in and around the city all my life, and I am proud to call Los Angeles County my home.
Need to get a hold of me? Fire away!



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