So you’ve been browsing the site a bit and think it’s pretty cool. You’re ready to sign up but aren’t quite sure how or why you’d want to.

Not to worry, by the end of this page you’ll be well on your way to discovering that favorite song you never knew existed! If you know what you need help with, click one of the links below to navigate to that specific section, otherwise, sit back with a cup of coffee and learn all there is to know about the LACityLights site!


The number one feature that sets LACityLights apart from the others is the ability to register for an account to keep track of the posts you heart. Registering for an account means that every track you heart will get saved in your account dashboard under the “My Loved Posts” section. Best of all, registering is simple!

Begin by clicking the link in the top right corner of the page that says “sign in”.

Once clicked, you will be presented with a log in window prompting you for a username and password. You now have two options.

  1. Register with Facebook
  2. Create your own username and enter your email address

To connect with Facebook, simply click the Facebook button and log in. This is the easiest and fastest way to register.

Once you authorize the LACityLights Facebook App, you’re all set!

If you want to create your own username and not log in via Facebook, simply click the link above the Facebook logo that says “Register”.

The boxes will change from “Username” and “Password” to “Username” and “Email Address” along with a message stating a temporary password will be emailed to you.

Fill out the information and you will receive an email within minutes. Your password can be changed later on through your account settings.



Great question and we’re so glad you asked! The hearts play a huge role in the functionality of the site and are key to our mission. Every time you see a post or track you like, we encourage you to heart it. What’s that mean?

Simply click the heart that’s next to the post!

When you like a post, not only does it get saved to your account if you’re registered, but it also gives that song one more vote towards being featured on the home page!

Pretty neat, huh? You’re helping out your favorite artist with the click of a button. So what are you waiting for? Start spreading the love!

(Although it is recommended you register for the site in order to easily reference the posts you’ve hearted at a later time, it is not required. You are able to heart posts without being a registered user of the site. This feature is subject to change in the future, so please register now!)



The thing with music blogs is that they present you with a lot of tracks, all at once, one after another in a typical blog roll fashion. This is great for browsing tracks, but if you are particularly fond of a certain blog, you may be finding yourself sifting through the posts in order to find the ones you really liked. This is where registering and utilizing the heart feature really pays off.

Once registered with the site, every post you heart gets saved in your “My Loved Posts” section, accessed at the top of the page near the search bar. Once clicked, you are able to see every post you’ve ever liked.

This is great if you plan on downloading all of the tracks at one time, if you’re surfing the blog from another location or computer, or if you just want to remember the tracks you loved to share with a friend.

It’s all there. All the time. And you can access it from anywhere.

Still got questions? We’ve got answers. Shoot us an email and we’ll sort things out.




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