Hoodie Allen is pretty awesome. I was scouring my music trying to find something that had fallen through the cracks that I really dig to share with you guys and I think I found it. Hoodie Allen’s “Leap Year” came out over he summer and some how didn’t get featured on LACL. It’s better late than never, right?

Hoodie Allen is pretty legit and to be quite honest, his song “The Chase Is On” is absolutely infectious and I can’t stop listening to it. Immediately drawn in by the catchiness of the track itself, I recently discovered his song “#WhiteGirlProblems” and seriously dig that one as well (but “The Chase Is On” will always be the Holy Grail to me). He’s kind of got a more poppy sound to his music, so if you dig on that then this kind of an album may be right for you.

I don’t particularly like all the tracks on his “Leap Year” album, but I do find “The Chase Is On” to be one of the best tracks I’ve discovered this past year and definitely wanted to give it a shout out. “#WhiteGirlProblems” has an almost G-Eazy feel to it which is pretty sick if you ask me.

If yah dig it, make sure to pick up his album and show the man some support!

Hoodie Allen – #WhiteGirlProblems

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Hoodie Allen – The Chase Is On

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 Download #WhiteGirlProblems  Download The Chase Is On


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