This song is pretty poppy but it’s also pretty good. I was just recently turned on to Kinetics & One Love and was blown away. I really like their style and think that their music is very worthy of being up on LACL, so I decided to post some of it up! This particular track is one of my favorites that came out over the summer and it features a whole slue people on it.

It was a very bold move for them to sample the Ace of Base chorus but I think they pulled it off amazingly well, and Missy Modell can actually sing – something that I think is becoming pretty rare thanks to auto tune. I’ve featured Mike Stud on the site before, but this is a first for Hendersin and Modell (Kinetics & One Love were featured on the recent Radical Something release).

Side note: Kinetics & One love actually wrote the beat and the chorus to B.o.B’s song “Airplanes”…didn’t know that did you? Well now you do.


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