There’s absolutely nothing that makes me happier to blog about than a good song coming from a sick, young, new artist. Cam Meekins fits that description to a T. He’s only 18 and still a highschool senior, yet he’s dropping tracks that are as amazing as any other rapper out there.

He’s young…but he has talent. He’s still in high school…but his flows are unstoppable. I mean, there’s a whole bunch of different Cam Meekins songs that I could have sat down to write about, but one definitely stood out to me. I love the track he did with Chris Webby (Fast Lane) but this one song off of his recently dropped mixtape called Taken Off really stood out to me. It’s kind of got that laid-back “I could smoke to this” kind of vibe…and I’m digging it. Definitely worth a listen if you’re looking for something to kick back to, and his flows aren’t half bad for being so new to the scene. He’s someone you should keep an eye one, this kid is going to blast off.

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